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ONLINE EVENT Lunch and Learn : Your Website: Little things make a BIG difference "

Do you ask yourself WHY you should invest time and money in attending the “YTM Lunch and Learn sessions”?

We believe it is because technical “know- how” in your business is not enough on its own for to scale and prosper. At YTM we provide tools and resources that specifically support you and your business’ growth.  

At our events you can ask questions and learn from the experts to increase your knowledge and understanding.  This allows you to reflect and review to make informed decisions for your business strategy.

Too often, business owners and professionals do not know what they do not know. Quite often, when they attend our events, they learn that there is a better way!


Prior to the session….enjoy 30 minutes o open networking. Build on existing relationships and open up new opportunities.

Insight:  Your Website:  Little things make a BIG difference

Often your client or customer’s first point of contact with your business is through your website.

It is the virtual shopfront of your business and the interface that provides an easy way to connect with you, and to learn more about your products and services.  It can be used to leverage social networks and implement a social media strategy to reach a larger audience.  A good website will explain and show your audience how you can solve their needs.

Join us and learn from our speaker Meirav Dulburg from Webby Web Design. In this hour long talk Meirav will give you valuable suggestions and insights on what you need to do right now to make your website work harder for you.


Our presenter, Meirav Dulberg

Meirav Dulberg is the owner of Webby Web Design.  She helps business owners and entrepreneurs bring their business to life online. Meirav provides bespoke website design, website strategy and development, training and support.

She is a coder, a Squarespace Authorized Trainer (one of only 20 in Australia), Shopify Partner and a strategic thinker.  Meirav thrives on helping her clients create websites they love while helping their business grow.

You will receive a link to register for the zoom meeting 48 hours prior to the event.

Any other questions? Call Kerryn 0414 856 616

YTM upcoming events and networking tips


Thank you to our 2021 YTM Partners

28 September

ONLINE EVENT - YTM Business Connect - Networking with a Twist

21 October

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