Are business plans still relevant?

As we approach a new year, people talk of planning and setting goals to kick start 2023.

You know the mantra….”I will raise my prices, only target the clients that need my solution, convert more clients that come through my funnel, work smarter, make more time for myself, improve and document my systems and processes, nurture my existing and past clients, build collaboration and referral partnerships, listen more, delegate more, work On my business more, set a new Intent, make my proposition pitch perfect”….blah, blah, blah…


We all know that if you do this, OR you don’t do this, the outcome will be the same. Right?

“Same-old same-old” by the time Feb arrives, despite your best intentions that things will be different this time.

Doing the doings in your business, takes centre stage and plans and best intentions fall down the list

Harsh? True? A Bit true?


Business plans are a waste of time, IF not done right

8 tips to crash you out of your planning malaise and paradigm

Ask and work through these questions of your-self:

  • What is the best way to do the worst ever marketing for my business?

  • How do I make my network smaller?

  • How do I ensure that my referrers and collaborators have little to no understanding of what I do?

  • How do I ensure people focus on features and benefits only, rather than the value created by what I do for clients?

  • How would I best achieve losing all my clients?

  • How do I make my proposition look like everyone else’s?

  • What would be the best way to slow interest in my funnel?

  • I don’t want to pay tax, so what levers can I pull to ensure I make a loss?


Now reframe and re-engineer your answers.


Now you’re building a real Plan and not wasting your time and it is VERY relevant to how you move forward in the coming year.


What questions have you got for me on how to reframe your approach to Planning?

I can help transform your approach and it will change your life!

Leigh Powell is a business strategist and mentor with Your Time Matters and assist small businesses to hone their propositions and attract and convert more prospects. You can book a complimentary chat with him, HERE to help you decide your next steps.


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