Communicating with Millennials Online and Face to Face
Recently I was discussing with Meirav Dulberg from Webby Web Design , the conversations we have online and face to face with our customers and clients. Meirav shared with me, that she had been really look into how important it is today, for businesses to take into account who they are targeting via their website and how to appeal the different generations.
Meirav explained to me that Millennials’ expectations are different compared to the previous generations, so it is really important for business owners to make sure that their digital strategy and company website appeals to the expectations of their target.
I would go as far to say that the conversations we engage in face to face with Milliennials also need to realise the differences in approach and attitude to today’s society and view of the world.
Our conversation then went onto focus on Millenials, in particular. I thought you might find our conversation of interest.
Who are the Millennials?
My children are both Millennials. Known as Generation Y, they are born between 1980 and 2000 (the youngest Millennials now 18 and oldest 38 with young families). Looking at the characterististics below, I would agree with Meirav that these are things we often talk about in conversation when we spend time together. What do you think?
Millennials consumer habits are typically defined by these characteristics:
Brand loyalist who write product reviews
Extremely well-networked and connected (online)
Post pictures of their favorite products on social networking sites.
Strong sense of community
Authentic & transparent
I asked Meirav for some suggestions that the YTM community, and other business owners can apply when they are considering their communication. Here are 5 tips she shared.
How to attract Millennials to my website?
1. Fast and responsive (mobile friendly) web design:
“It should have quality and it should be fast.” is what Millennials live by.
Whether you are selling products or services, your website should show quality in the fastest and most convenient way possible (on any devise).
Millennials don’t even take a second look if it is not fast as they were born in a time where they had and still have access to everything within seconds.
As Millennials have digitally native capabilities, grow up with computers and later on, mobile phones they therefore expect a website to be responsive on any device. If your website is not responsive (or mobile friendly) you will loose them.
2. An easy to navigate and clean website
Minimalism is another principle that Millennials live by so keep it very simple.
Make your website easy to use:
Millennials hate clutter on a website and pass over areas that appear to be bulky and difficult-to-use. They don't like to read information on that they need to hunt for and is buried under layers of pages.
Make information easy to find:
They want easy access to information that they don’t need to look for. Therefore, if they aren’t able to easily find what they are looking for, they will immediately switch over to another website.
Keep it short and simple:
Millennials are impatient, and they don’t want flashy videos, complicated text, or too much explanations. Keep your website product or service descriptions short and to the point.
3. Keep your website up to date and be ‘social’
Millennials are annoyed when a website is not kept up-to-date with content, news, and trends. Therefore, even if you manage your company news via social media or apps, make sure your site is not neglected and content is up to date, and it looks modern and on latest trends.
They also say that they trust organizations that have an account on social media more than those that don’t, and most will always check businesses out on social media. So, keep your social icons visible and make sure your social media accounts are not neglected with your last post from months ago.
As they want to be able to contact you in multiple ways, providing the social media option in addition to the traditional contact details (such as email and phone) is going to help them get in touch (so make sure your check and replay immediately to their messages or tweets)
Millennials will make a decision about a product or service based on reviews and recommendations by people they know. As they are so well connected online, if their ‘friends’ recommend a product this will heavily influence them. From your website, make it easy for your customers to review you on social media as their friends will see these reviews.
4. Tell your story and be personal
Millennials will use products and services they feel they connected with. This is why storytelling is the new topic that everyone is talking about. Telling story through your brand, and everything from your logo, photos and blog content, it is all about engaging content and make people feel connected to you and therefore your brand.
Millennials don’t like it when we tell them what to do. They want the content to be warm, personal, and funny – not commanding and forceful. Your website copy should be written directly to them in a personal, transparent and approachable way.
5. Show that you care
Millennials love organisations and businesses that recognize the community and world around them and give back. So, if you are doing something to support a cause, make sure you showcase it on your website in a way that draws attention.
Meirqav shared a good example - Lokai. Each item from their range aligns with a charity and shoppers can select the charity to give back to with each purchase.
I found this conversation really interesting. I think that the 5 tips Meirav provided are worth thinking about and not only for Millenials. As our lives are becoming increasingly busy adn we are bombarded with messages, being able to succintly communicate your point of difference in business is really important.
Through face to face conversations that you have, I encourage you to remember Meirav’s tips and apply the following three to your conversations when you are networking or meeting up with not only millenials but others.
Be social…. do not hide away in your workplace, behind your screen. Meet up face to face and invest some time in building relationships.
Tell your story with heart. People will buy you, long before your product or service. Keep your conversations, real and authentic.
Show you care. Rather than taking the WIIFM (What’s In It for Me )approach , adjust your mindset to WDCIM (What difference Can I Make).
Meirav will be speaking ore about Websites at YTM in 2019,. If you would like to know about our events and workshops, you are invited to join our mailing list and receive a gift of FREE conversations starters. HERE.
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