It all started from a conversation about a YTM Dinner ...

Over the past 5 years, we have arranged dinner events because in many cultures, a meal is one of the most traditional and important customs. Our YTM DINNERS are based on this act of hospitality where even the shyest person feels comfortable. The different setting and environment strengthen existing relationships and attracts our loyal and friendly community, and many new faces, too.

 We first met Peter Burgess from Process Culture, when he attended one of our dinner events.  Peter wrote an article on LinkedIn about remote working, which is one of his favourite topics and curiously has become increasingly relevant as Peter is located in Gippsland and now attends YTM online events, which we introduced in 2020.

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A comment, a connection and a business relationship began

Kerryn Powell, our founder, commented, on Peter’s article and mentioned that there was a speaker, presenting at one of her up-coming networking events, who was also driven by the idea of remote working, and suggested that Peter connect with her. That’s how Kerryn’s first conversation with Peter came about, and a business relationship began.

Kerryn soon learnt that Process Culture optimizes their clients business processes reducing manual tasks and automating their sales and marketing systems which allows them to track and generate sales. as they do what they do best. 

Peter recently shared that he joined YTM because:

“Most businesses struggle with getting leads and opportunities. I wanted to get into a situation where I could control the flow of leads a bit more by going out and doing more networking.  So, I tried different networking organizations. One of them ended up being YTM, as a way of extending my business with more opportunity, but also building my own personal confidence as well.”

The impact on your business

When we asked Peter, “What has been the impact of YTM on your business?” he told us

 “Well, for my business, there's been some really good impacts and good results. We're talking about new projects, but we're also talking about a lot of knowledge that YTM has given me, which just helped me to improve my business. Consequently, I've worked on several projects that directly came out of my contacts at YTM. Some being direct contacts from YTM, others being referrals onto other clients or other opportunities that they’ve known about. So YTM has been a very important source for new business for me. And, YTM has several partners who are actually referring work to me on a regular basis. So, it's been really good.”

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Not at all threatening

Peter shared more about why he has maintained his membership over the past years,

“The thing I like about YTM is it's very structured, but it's also informal.  At a lot of networking groups you can feel a bit lost. You're not sure who you should talk to.  So, you have to go and force your way in.  Whereas with YTM right from the moment that you enter the room, you're greeted at the door, you're given an opportunity to talk to people, you're introduced to other members. It's just a lot easier. And, then the actual meeting itself, or the event itself, is quite structured, yet comfortable. Sometimes, we utilize YTM cards or games that ask questions, and we respond to a small group around the table of maybe six people so it's not at all threatening.  I found, especially in the early days when I was quite anxious about networking, it was reassuring that you didn't have to pitch to a large group. Everyone else was very supportive so it just feels really natural.”

 In parting Peter says,

 “I think any business that needs new opportunities and leads could benefit from YTM, but it's not for every business. I mean, the type of opportunities that come from this networking would be different to those that would suit, for example, a cafe or a smaller business that is B2C.  So, if you're dealing with other businesses, for example, you might be a lawyer or an accountant, or you might be like myself, an IT specialist, that type of business could really benefit.  I can think of all sorts of scenarios where someone could benefit from networking, even on a personal level.  And, it's not necessarily just new business leads. It's getting yourself out of the small home office and actually meeting with like-minded people.”


If you are looking for a rewarding way to grow your business and want to benefit from conversations that help you access the right connections and leverage opportunities, we would love you to come along and experience an event in the near future or perhaps you are interested in sharpening your skills, regularly expanding your knowledge and combining business networking , then check out our YTM Membership and benefits to our community HERE .

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