Life's Not Meant to be Easy but it Always Matters

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Today I was cleaning out some of the files on my computer and I came across a blog, written close to 7 years ago. I don’t think I published it at the time as life got in the way but writing it down probably helped me to process all that was going on at the time. If you have never done that, give it a try.


Only this week, I had a conversation with a friend about Social Media. We discussed how if we believed all that we see and take that as someones life in entirety, it is possible we live with the illusion that some people have all the luck and never have to deal with any challenge. However, everyone experiences situations that we can we learn from about ourselves and others. These situations help us to become stronger, more resilient and help us develop skills to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and keep going. When we have support from a trusted network and develop the right mindset it can make all the difference.

So reflecting on what I wrote at the time and recalling how tough that period was. I see we all survived, we supported each other in our various ways , learned how everyone deals with situations differently and as they say “When the going gets tough the tough get going”   ….so I am sharing this with you because maybe you had a tough year last year, or are right in the middle of situations currently that you would prefer were not happening… and I want you to know, that nothing lasts for ever, that life’s not meant to be easy, BUT it always matters.


“ Life constantly  throws challenges at us!   Sometimes, we wonder how we will ever get through the tough times.  Over the past six months, my family and I have faced many challenges.  In a short space of time, we have lost relatives and close friends and our  beloved  18- year old dog. We  have had a family  member face into a health scare,  a car accident for our daughter (fortunately  unhurt, although the car was a right off!), and coped with  the everyday challenges of building a business,  keeping up with friends, supporting those in need  and dealing with our aging parents.  We have faced LIFE! There is a saying “Life wasn’t meant to be easy”…I wonder what that person had had to cope with?

I know that when  I feel down, I have to give myself a good  talking too.  I know I can’t control the future, or how people will react over certain issues,  or my every waking moment .  I can however,   make the most of the time available to me by living in the moment, not worrying about the future, or regretting the past. Easy to say, you say!  Well, I agree with you…actually putting it into practise is definitely the hard part, but I guess that is also where I have learnt a lot from those around me.  Trying to develop a positive attitude to life, makes me feel stronger and willing to take up the challenge.


A few of the things that I have learned over the years are that:-

·          “ Time waits for no man”,   we have to be prepared  to take  a stance, for things to change and that we must   treasure what we have, because we don’t know how long we have it

·         Love is like a tide and ebbs and flows.  Love of family and friends, changes through good and bad times.    Good strong friendships   and a good family are what really counts and  are there through thick and thin.

·         My number one priority is my immediate family.  My husband and my children as we can support each other through the  hurdles of life. Even when we do not see eye to eye, I know that we watch each others  backs

·         When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Building resilience and being able to draw on that is something we need to constantly build on.

If you look back over the past year what has happened in your life and have you learnt from those experiences, good and bad ?”



I encourage you to live in the moment and make the most of your networks. They provide you with an opportunity to create strong relationships to provide the support you need, and can also cheer you up, make you laugh, challenge your beliefs, love us, inspire us and educate us.

Our networks are there, often in the background, subtle and strong; just what we need when we need it most, there for us and will always matter.

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Hello, I am Kerryn Powell. Founder of YTM which I started in 2013…I am also a mother, wife, friend, sister and neighbour and grandmother to Harry…

I know how important relationships are. I have built a diverse network and now use my skills to support business owners, create meaningful conversations and help you build the relationships, trust and business you seek.

To learn more about the YTM network and community, please accept our FREE gift of conversations starters and our monthly newsletter and keep up to date with the events and workshops we run to support business owners and professionals because we know, no one achieves anything alone. Agree or disagree? Love to read your comments.



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