Network ONLINE : Your Team Will Thrive

Recently we were chatting about work with some friends at a social event, and someone said , “I’m not there to make friends; I show up, do my job, and leave.”

While I can understand this viewpoint, I couldn’t help but feel this was a missed opportunity. When you work in a company, the people and your relationships with them can make the difference between a good day at work and a bad day. You need to build a network at work!

A friendly, open atmosphere is an important aspect to foster in a company’s culture. It helps your employees look forward to working together and happy employees are more productive employees. In today’s climate you need to foster and strengthen their connection on a personal and professional level.

A lack  of communication and connection between colleagues is a key sign that silos might be developing in your company, which can be detrimental to the organisation as a whole. It can be challenging to change this culture and can take some time.

Three Ways To Strengthen Relationships In Your Workplace

1. Connect your Staff - A friendly relationship goes beyond having someone to chat with about the weekend, to (although that’s a great way to build the relationship). As you get to know your colleagues you will feel more comfortable going beyond ‘small talk’ with them, and may grow to see them as a go-to person when you’re struggling with a problem.  Their experience and knowledge can be just what you need to reach a solution.

2. Get  your Silos Talking  - Have you ever noticed that sometimes you can talk your way around to a solution, simply by having someone to bounce your thoughts off? And if you truly are stuck, the person you’re speaking to might have some knowledge to offer that solves the problem. Each and every person has a voice, and ideas, although some personalities are quieter and more reluctant to speak up. Creating a safe place where trust has been built can be highly beneficial.

3. Build Bridges - Encouraging  your staff to share their knowledge and experience can assist in solving specific problems that often cut across the workplace. By exploring and solving problems together you can quickly generate ideas and support for better ways of operating. 


At Your Time Matters Ⓡ we are passionate about one thing:! Building relationships through face to face interaction. While this is not possible during Co Vid 19, ONLINE networking is possible and for your group and will provide the connection and support they crave at this time, and strengthen relationships . To open up conversations that otherwise may have been overlooked. By having the right conversations that share knowledge and experience about life, business and fun things, your team will benefit. A united team, can improve your customer experience and make it easier to work through tough times and come out stronger and better !

We  know we can help strengthen your networks both internally and externally, and leverage silos that impact on your organisation’s productivity.

We have tools and games that can help your people connect and engage, and build stronger relationships. We can run these online for you via zoom and our creative team will design a session to unite your team and show them that you care.

Contact us today and let’s start a conversation to improve your teams relationships and at the same time boost their networking skills.


Protect Your Relationships


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