The CoVid-19 Benefit to Business Networking

As challenging as it is the CoVid-19 pandemic has provided a real opportunity for the YTM community , and the community at large to recognise how important connection is, both personally and professionally.  

Increased awareness of the Value of Relationships

I think following the restrictions, we will have become increasingly aware of the importance of relationships and recognise that actual “in- person” connection through well structured and facilitated, business networking events has many benefits in building a business. The restrictions have encouraged us all to review our processes and businesses and step out of our comfort zones and to treasure the conversations we can have with others in a similar situation face to face.

Supporting and Deepening Connections

The restrictions have seen YTM events move to the online space where they have been able to play a part in connecting and supporting our members and deepening their connections. Our Members have been able to join from the comfort of their own homes, no matter where they are situated plus we have been able to introduce our formats and event style to new comers as they have been attracted by the diverse insights provide… however, our community has expressed, that nothing replace the in person face to face interaction at the vents we have delivered over the past 6.5 years..

Recognise the Value of Free flowing, meaningful conversations

For too long, networking has been viewed by many as the way to make sales and has been transactional. People are now realising that relationships are key. While the online space can play a role and that zoom or similar, does allow for face to face, conversation can be more stilted. In real time, in-person events that we have been running for almost 7 years, free flowing, meaningful conversations allow rapport to be built more easily and it is a common fact that we do business with those we “know, like and trust”…and “know” means much more than having met online as many of our members would attest too, having attended YTM since it’s conception.

Real, authentic conversations

The power of in person relationships is discussed in the book, “Two Ears, One Mouth and a Big Heart” written by our founder Kerryn Powell. Stories are shared throughout the book from conversations Kerryn has had with a diverse group of people who share their experiences. The book prompts you to consider how important relationships are to you and how you can achieve your own personal goals based on your individual drivers, often influenced by others around you. These were not stories gathered from online conversations, but real, authentic conversations.

There is no doubt that conversations count … like a game of tennis, ideas and conversations should be bounced back and forth. The online space makes this more difficult in a group environment and so we look forward to a time when restrictions are lifted and we can ramp up our regular monthly “in-person” events. In addition we will seek to extend our offering and organise regular on-line events. Please let us know if this would be of interest to you so we can keep you informed.

We are sure you too are missing your face to face connections with colleagues and family, knowing that deeper and more meaningful relationships develop when you spend time together, sharing stories, funny moments, valuable information, along with purposeful conversations.

In case you have never been to our in person events, or have been and miss them….this short video will show you the community that waits for you and looks forward to seeing you in the coming months!

You will see that our event formats encourage genuine, authentic curiousity and allow businesses to learn, grow and achieve …together. CoVid-19 has shown us all how important that is.

Keep safe and keep well, and we look forward to connecting with you very soon. If you would like event details you can subscribe here

BOOK a discovery call TODAY, and have a conversation with Kerryn to see how she can help you.

Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst

Kerryn Powell, is founder of Your Time Matters and a connection strategist, conversation starter and network catalyst who thrives on building communities and creating the right connections for those seeking strategic allies to make a positive impact through connection, contribution and community.

Tapping into her diverse career portfolio, Kerryn draws on her experience, skills and knowledge to encourage, support and empower business owners, professionals, teams and individuals to create true connection through authentic conversations that build real relationships, boost confidence and generate business and opportunities.

For the past 7 years, Kerryn has provided opportunity for more than 3000 business owners to engage in face to face events through her business, Your Time Matters. She can help you, too!


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