What is it About Podcasting?
Over the past four years, YTM has run more than 60 events and invited more than 70 speakers to share their expertise. Why? Because Kerryn Powell, Founder of YTM believes that we need to continually learn, grow and achieve. The insights at the various events run by YTM are chosen to challenge, enlighten and inform business owners and professionals on a diverse range of subjects so that they can make informed decisions about the direction or improvements that they should consider to grow their business.
The second YTM Kew event is being held in Kew on Wednesday 6th September and recently Kerryn Powell met with Belinda Coomes from Red Lemon Productions to chat further about her forthcoming BONUS insight at the Kew event - "Podcasting. Why small business and business owners whould be doing it".
Introducing Kerryn Powell and Belinda Coomes