JULY Insights - how to leverage your business profile
Our continuing theme in July - Storytelling .
Storytelling is such an important way to connect with your audience creating memorable connection that deepens relationships and the potential to unlock business opportunities.
YTM Lunch and Learns are Awesome! The July session was definitely a winner!
How to find and write killer award submissions
Award writing is another way to tell your Story in a compelling and memorable way.
In July we heard from Karen Hall, the founder of 101 Things, a marketing consultancy specialising in helping its clients grow their reputations beyond what they could ever imagine.
On average, award-winning businesses increase their turnover by 39% - 63% compared to non-award-winning companies. The majority show higher sales even FIVE years after winning! The theme this month, take a step on the wild side - and #JustDoIt! Why not!
Karen shared with us how to uncover and find the ideal award for your business and how to write submissions the judges will take notice of:
1. How to identify awards
2. 6 steps to entering & how to get started today
3. Tips to leverage your entry for maximum value
YTM members can access the recording of this Lunch and Learn , (and other online events we have held), in the YTM member portal and discover where your gold content already lies and how to re purpose and schedule your educational and brand content.
Evening in Person event in July:
The annual YTM “Why” Awards dinner event was held in July where 7 brave speakers competed by telling a story of “Why Me?”
Our seven speakers have diverse backgrounds and delivered a diverse set of compelling stories! .
The aim was to share the impact and ripple they want to create, so they connect more deeply with their audience and illustrate through story, their internal driver that sits behind their purpose and brand.
The opportunity for the speakers was to put into practice what we learned in June about the elements of a good story, from Sandy Macdonald the “Story Whisperer”:
· Purpose, Context, Spark, Journey, Realization, Revelation, Conclusion
Sandy had shared with us, “If you can’t tell your story, you won't attract those who need your services & would love to support what you’re doing—your potential followers, clients, partners and investors. Storytelling informs your most powerful communication, because it runs deep - it educates, resonates and it sticks. Humans NEED to hear stories and share stories”.
Our 7 speakers, both brave and magnificent were:
Adrian Mohedano- Data analyst - Urbanscience
Cindy Rella- Health and wellness trainer and coach, and World Kettle Bell Champion - Rellas Strength and wellness Hub
Carolyn James- Google analytics specialist - Website Insights
Glenda Fagan- Boutique travel host - Boutique Tours and Travel
Darren Lutchner- Microsoft 365 consultant - Microsoft365assist
Holly Klintworth - Gin distiller - Bass and Flinders
L to R: Tarn Wallace and Anne Holland, winner of the YTM 2022 WHY AWARD
· Anne Holland- Educator- Defibfirst, Urban Lifesavers, Covid Proof
The YTM Award was hotly contested and each and every story was enlightening and entertaining. With a tight criteria our Judges had their work cut out for them.
The winner of the YTM 2022 Award was Anne Holland and Peoples Choice was won by Cindy Rella , with Anne Holland a tight second for Peoples Choice, too.
L to R: Leigh Powell with Cindy Rella, winner of the Peoples Choice award
In the eyes of the YTM team all seven speakers were winners because they had the courage to step out of their comfort zone, share their stories “WHY ME” and be critiqued by peers.
Participants connected on a whole new level with the speakers, and no doubt took away learnings from the various examples and techniques they witnessed , which they can now consider when they too share their stories in the future'.
A huge thank you to Sandy McDonald for her willingness to collaborate with YTM for this series and share her knowledge, time and expertise with our community. Also, to Amey Lee and Meirav Dulberg for making up the judging panel. and taking on a very
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