Conversations Count

photo by Simon James Photography at YTM business networking session

Conversations with people from diverse backgrounds, industries and cultures provides opportunity to grow personally and professionally, yet the value of these conversations can be easily overlooked. Many people finding starting and developing conversations with strangers uncomfortable, and potentially overlook how simply by being interested and curious about others, may provide support to help them achieve desired goals … and how rewarding that can be.

A Chance to Make A Difference

These conversations, whether at business networking events, or in life in general, help us keep life and business in perspective. When you decide to invest yourself in building relationships and helping even just one person, you can make a difference. From this simple act, you may have the chance to start a ripple effect with a broader reach than you know and the foundation to unlock countless opportunities.

At our YTM business networking events, we bring together men and women into one space (both online and in-person), as we recognise the enormous benefit in sharing different perspectives, knowledge, behavioral and personality styles, and experience. Professions often chosen by women, are often based on a different skill set to male counterparts, yet each and everyone has something to offer and even more to gain.

If your network is too homogeneous, you may be missing out on opportunities to increase your business and to expand your thinking, as you remain unaware of possibilities for growth. Regardless of the industry or profession that attracts women to business, they usually have extensive networks and their nurturing and open approach to conversation and relationship building is something many males could emulate in developing relationships.

Avoid Making Assumptions

Too often we have witnessed people assume that their is no value in a conversation with someone not in their target market, however, you need to remind yourself, the person you are speaking to is a conduit to others, and you should never underestimate who they may be connected too or how they might be able to help you, if you were to take the time to invest in a deeper conversation.  

Every individual has talents and expertise what can be uncovered if you are willing to extend yourself.

Characteristics of Good Networkers

Women seem to be natural networkers. Historically they have kept the home fires burning, gained support from other women and nurtured relationships.  They like to ask questions, coach and encourage. They tend to connect through children, family, business challenges, successes and a desire to mentor other women seeking advice in the business space. They willingly express how they FEEL about their work/life challenges and share openly; they are often drawn to those who are similar to themselves.

From our observations and experience, women tend to concentrate on building rapport and a relationship before they discuss business. They take a more selfless approach and focus on what they have to give and are often slower to ask for what they want. They tend to seek referrals for both personal and business requirements…whether recommendations for a hair stylist, website designer or an accountant.

In contrast, men’s networking is generally more focused on what they want to achieve and their professional needs. They are more comfortable with a transactional or ‘hunter’ approach. Men tend to base their networking choices on who they are more likely to meet and who is related to their industry. They are keen to connect with others who can assist as a supplier, client or customer, but there appears to be less emphasis on finding a friend or confidant. Their approach can be more assertive and they are less afraid to ask for what they want. 

Why would you limit your potential to make connections?Are you missing out on opportunities to learn new things and really stretch your view of the world? Don’t miss opportunities where you can utilise your expertise to generate income as each gender has something to offer. 

At YTM events men and women are welcomed and encouraged. We focus on creating an environment that aims to meet the needs of the group and encourage interaction.Our insights are designed to provide an opportunity to learn from guest speakers who not only offer professional and personal development, but also encourage conversations about the challenges of running a business and maintaining a life and a family at the same time.  The different perspectives of our participants, provides valuable opportunities to learn from each other and to develop interpersonal skills and understandings. Would you like to receive event alerts, follow us on LinkedIn or subscribe to our event alerts .

Looking to connect your team, association or participants at your next gathering? The YTM Conversations Count Board Games will help conversations flow please get in contact for more details. HERE




The Power of Relationship Development


Your Proposition: solve problems & create value (or go home)