Leverage skills of your team - two heads are better than one!

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Bringing together talents of your team and blending their various skills provides your business with an opportunity to leverage  the combined skills, knowledge and experience possessed by the group.

No doubt you will have heard of Mastermind Groups, Think Tanks and Networking events.  These too can provide a starting point to take on  a bigger picture of  opportunities as the groups  draw on  skills and expertise of those willing to share , challenge, learn and grow together.  

Teams within an organisation or from different geographical locations can learn and benefit as they build an internal network. Working collaboratively on  processes and systems together can result in  improved  customer experience,  or better professional and business development opportunities impacting staff performance.

Think Tanks  provide opportunities for  groups of business owners from diverse backgrounds and experiences to  share their business challenges and expertise providing  different perspectives to individuals  seeking to innovate and expand their growth with new thinking. After all, two heads are better than one!

Now a days, innovation is becoming a much talked about concept and requires businesses to continually change, improve and take  a fresh approach.  Quickly products and services are becoming  stale or redundant as  new and better ways of “doing” are created. 

In order to innovate, a team of people with the right mix of skills need to come together to brainstorm, create, discuss and challenge existing ideas and examine them from all angles. By creating a group that  immerses and  focuses on a problem,  possible solutions can be challenged and explored. 

To survive, innovation is here to stay. Over the past eighteen months, YTM has needed to innovate and adapt to the online space. The small step of using networking events to test your ideas, seek out expertise and opinions of  others  can help your business grow and improve your offering.  There is great value to be found. Consider using your next networking event to 

  • find out what people are looking for

  • check the ongoing relevance of your business model

  • gain feedback on a new aspect of your offer

  • identify the right problems your business should seek to solve

  • seek out a group you would like to immerse yourself with to explore how you could make changes and innovations within your industry

…you need to start exploring, discussing and innovating now or you will be left behind. Remember, conversations count!

At YTM we provide tools and events to encourage a variety of group conversations that you will find enlightening and motivating. Why not give us a call on 0414 856 616 to discuss how we could help you, your team or your group TODAY . It’s time to rekindle relationships and strengthen your networks, internally and externally.

By the way, we have an online Lunch and Learn Session that may interest you… on 16th June ….How to improve communication and collaboration with your team and customers, and an evening session on 30th June with insight on Build your team. Finding the help you need check them out. NOW.


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