People Buy On Emotion- Connect with Heart

Your clients live and work in the real world. Why not connect with them there?

Last night I spoke at a networking event for Women In Super. It was wonderful to see more than 80 professional women sharing  their experiences, knowledge and resources. I congratulated them for stepping out from behind their computers to connect and engage face to face.

In today’s world there is so much emphasis on Social Media and online marketing. Certainly, you can give people a taste of what you do very effectively online through blogs, social media, email newsletters, webinars, and podcasts but constant barrage of electronic messages can be tiring. Perhaps it is  time to develop a strategy for more concrete establishment of relationships through face to face networking and print marketing to develop and embrace your audience?

Today, marketing isn’t primarily about pushing for a sale. It’s about connecting, engaging and attracting the right people to your business with interesting, and relevant information and developing know, like and trust.

Through in-person networking opportunities  and direct marketing you can share your knowledge and expertise, making you a prospect magnet by being the go-to resource for problem solving in your area of expertise.

“95% of people say face-to-face meetings are essential to build long-term business relationships”

A recent  article by Business2Community said

Hubspot pulled together impressive statistics that reflect how important and impactful relationships are for business. Their top three findings show:

  • 95% of people say face-to-face meetings are essential to build long-term business relationships.

  • 85% of people say in-person meetings and conferences let them build more meaningful business relationships.

  • 49% of people say in-person business meetings are preferred since it leads to more complex strategic thinking”.

“Nurture your relationships”

You can easily build on and nurture these relationships by creating  gifts and information products with very high perceived value that are beautiful to touch.

Recently I asked Viv Kane from Minuteman Press Prahan  to share her view, Viv said

“Print can help you be noticed, maintain interest through the buying decision process, encourage action in sales conversations, and stimulate repeat purchases.

People know it takes a bit more time and effort to produce a printed product. It’s recognised and appreciated. Most of your competitors probably don’t do it, so there’s an immediate advantage. In a world drowning in messages delivered on screen, print stands out.

  • You touch print. Touch connects deeply with our emotions, and we know people buy on emotion

  • It has gravitas – and it’s permanent

  • It travels, and is very likely to be seen by others or passed on

  • It’s often kept and so gets read more than once

  • It has more variety and sophistication in message and branding, it’s more likely to be remembered”.

Viv  is one of three speakers at the coming YTM Networking with a Twist event in Brighton on 28th February and will discuss

  • Why offline marketing could be your competitive edge, and how it can boost your online marketing results to grow sales

  • How to get more attention and interaction from the right buyers at every stage of the buyer journey

Practical examples of offline marketing strategies and tools

At the YTM event, participants will also hear from Simon Holt from Visual Culture and Kerryn Powell, from Your Time Matters. There will also be time for questions.

Participants will then participate in the fun, effective, structured, networking session that is designed to create relevant meaningful conversations and ensure you gain maximum value from the time and money you invest in your networking. Read more and book today here

So, if you’re only communicating online, are you missing opportunities?


5 Tips for Reluctant Networkers


How to Engage your Current and Potential Clients