Knowledge Centre Insights
Our knowledge centre provides tips and insights to help you improve your business and your business networking.
Featured Articles:
7 ways to increase business opportunities- read article
Networking does & don’ts - read article
Finding the right networking events- read article
Uncertainty to confidence - A Business & networking journey read article
Networking, a Critical Tool for Survival
From the dawn of recorded history networking has been a critical tool for survival, growth, and prosperity. Even the archetypal mad inventors slaving away in their lonely cave or tower was surrounded by books… in reality, they were also in contact with other great minds working in related or parallel fields from whom ideas, methodologies and discoveries to test and build on were exchanged.
Innovative Networking- two heads are better than one!
Innovation is becoming a much talked about concept and requires businesses to continually change, improve and take a new approach. Quickly products and services are becoming stale or redundant as new and better ways of “doing” are created.