Knowledge Centre Insights
Our knowledge centre provides tips and insights to help you improve your business and your business networking.
Featured Articles:
7 ways to increase business opportunities- read article
Networking does & don’ts - read article
Finding the right networking events- read article
Uncertainty to confidence - A Business & networking journey read article
The Year That Was and Will Be
The year is well and truly moving along. In the blinkof an eye we move from December to February! Over the holidays, I had many discussions with my husband and YTM Business Mentor, Leigh Powell on what YTM had achieved in 2017 and the direction we would take in 2018. All businesses need to review their strategies and the start of the year is a great time. Infact we have a "Goal Setting and Accountability" Workshop scheduled for the 13th February , if you need some guidence.
Networking, a Critical Tool for Survival
From the dawn of recorded history networking has been a critical tool for survival, growth, and prosperity. Even the archetypal mad inventors slaving away in their lonely cave or tower was surrounded by books… in reality, they were also in contact with other great minds working in related or parallel fields from whom ideas, methodologies and discoveries to test and build on were exchanged.
What is your Default Networking approach?
Dr. Jason Fox, spoke about how we often suffer from default thinking or auto pilot. He suggested we make a new goal of challenging the things we do automatically and the approaches that we use without thought.
It made me think more about innovation, which is a hot topic these days. We talk about businesses needing to continually change, to improve and look for a new ways. Products and services quickly become stale or redundant as new and better ways of “doing” are created.
Reap Rewards by Giving Without Expectation
This story is testament to why I do what I do. Networking is about creating relationships, sharing knowledge and experience and ultimately will reward you.
Thanks Izzy for sharing this story with me….I did not know this was happening, but am not surprised that you received the help you needed from Minuteman Press Prahran.
“Recently, I was working on a large print job for a client of mine. The deadline was tight and there were multiple changes to the brief.
How to Engage your Current and Potential Clients
Marketing is a key ingredient for business growth which all businesses must pay attention to, but gaining attention in the noisy world we live in is not always that easy. Creating content that engages with your current and potential clients in a variety of ways is good for your business growth and allows you to make a unique and relevant impression for those you want to me noticed by.
The Keys to Sales Conversion
When we cut through all the noise and deliver our communication the way the client/colleague likes, understands and knows we have a greater chance to build lasting business relationships. Understanding the 4 different styles and how to use them assists in greater understanding for all parties.
How to develop Trust
Did you know Melbourne turned 181 years old last year ? What an achievement! Last November, YTM Networking with a Twist turned three. Both YTM and Melbourne are built on conversations that create profitable relationships and achieve outcomes.
Learn Dangerously – your time matters!
Now into our fourth year of running events in Brighton and various locations throughout Melbourne, I have witnessed how learning brings people together to network and benefit from the experience of others.